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Alien Covenant Concept Artist Returns For Alien Tv Show

Alien: Covenant Concept Artist Returns For Alien TV Show

Theories About A Certain Someone In Alien

While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a team of explorers discovers a cache of drawings made by David, the synthetic android from Alien: Covenant. The drawings depict scenes from the upcoming Alien TV show, and they offer tantalizing clues about the fate of David and the crew of the Covenant.

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One of the most striking drawings shows David standing over the body of a dead Engineer. The Engineer is holding a strange device, and David is looking at it with a mixture of curiosity and fear. This drawing suggests that David may have been responsible for the deaths of the Engineers, and that he may have stolen their technology in order to create the Xenomorphs.

Another drawing shows David in a scene that appears to take place on Earth. David is wearing a spacesuit, and he is holding a gun. This drawing suggests that David may have escaped from the Covenant and made his way to Earth. If this is the case, then it is possible that he could be the catalyst for a new outbreak of the Xenomorphs on Earth.

The drawings from Alien: Covenant offer a tantalizing glimpse into the upcoming TV show. They suggest that the show will explore the origins of the Xenomorphs, and that it will feature the return of David. Fans of the Alien franchise will be eagerly awaiting the release of the show, and they will be hoping that it will live up to the high expectations that have been set by the films.
